Friday October 11th 3 Marlin - Blue Sky Cabo

Friday October 11th 3 Marlin

On October 11th, an energetic group of twelve anglers Michael, Jack, Evan, Zack, Mackenzie, Brendan, Ryan, Alex, Sebastian, Cort, Chad, and Skip set off on an exhilarating Cabo fishing charter with Blue Sky Cabo aboard the impressive 60-foot Bertram, helmed by the skilled Captain Alex. The waters off Cabo San Lucas, renowned for their abundance of marlin, were calling, and the group was eager to experience the thrill of sportfishing in one of the world’s most sought-after destinations.

The 5-hour private charter began with anticipation and excitement as Captain Alex navigated the Pacific waters, taking the group to prime marlin fishing grounds. Using Blue Sky Cabo’s specialized fish attraction device, the team was ready for the action-packed adventure that awaited.

Before long, the lines tightened, and the first marlin struck. The crew worked seamlessly, guiding the group through the thrilling battle as the powerful marlin made its first leap from the water. Michael, Jack, and Evan took turns at the reel, expertly guided by Captain Alex, to successfully catch and release the first marlin of the day.

As the charter continued, the action didn’t stop. Over the next few hours, the group released an additional two marlin, bringing their total to three for the day. The marlin put on a spectacular show, with each fight showcasing the strength and skill of both the fish and the anglers.

Captain Alex and his team ensured each marlin was carefully released, following Blue Sky Cabo’s commitment to sustainable catch-and-release fishing. The entire experience left Michael, Jack, Evan, Zack, Mackenzie, Brendan, Ryan, Alex, Sebastian, Cort, Chad, and Skip with unforgettable memories and a deep appreciation for Cabo’s world-class fishing.

This successful Cabo fishing charter was a perfect day on the water, filled with excitement, teamwork, and the adventure of marlin fishing at its finest.

To book your own family-friendly Cabo fishing charter, contact Blue Sky Cabo at USA +1.480.635.2965. For more updates and to watch live stream videos of daily catches, check out our Facebook page here: Blue Sky Cabo Facebook Live. Don’t miss your chance to experience the magic of Cabo fishing!


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