Team Alberta
Team Alberta caught a Nice Marlin{ catch and release} aboard our 32′ Yacht Blue Star. Captain Julio and his crew showed this husband and wife team a fabulous time.
Jan 10th ~Cabo Adventure~
Make the most of your day with Blue Sky Cabo…..Choose your adventure. 60′ yacht Blue Sea, this Beautiful yacht can entertain up to 20 guests.
Jan 6 ~Family Fun~
Spending a quality day with Captain Gilbert and his crew on our 60′ yacht, Blue Sea. This group caught a Dorado and one snapper!!
~Dorado For Days~
Nov 14th What a great day on our 32′ yacht Blue Star , with Captain Julio and crew. Bringing in 4 nice size Dorado!!
~Team Huston~
Tuna-Marlin-Dorado Join Captain Julio and crew on a Fishing Charter.
~Fantastic Fishing~
Wow 3 marlin & 3 shark, catch and releases!! Aboard our 32′ yacht Blue Star, with captain Julio and crew.
“Team Washington”
One Marlin Catch and Release, aboard our 60′ yacht Blue Sea. With help from Captain Leonel and crew. cab
“Pesca Del Dia” Fishing day in Cabo
Oct 10th- Blue Star 32′ yacht, headed out at Sunrise in pursuit to find the Dorado hot spot. The next 4 hrs was spent around the lighthouse and the Arches… it was non